 * ✍ :- @Kawsar Bin Siraj
 * 🎓 :- B.Sc. Engg in CSE. 
 * 🎀 :- Working on lead developer (frontend) at RiseUpLabs
 * 💚 :- Experienced JavaScript developer - React / Vue 
 * 💞 :- CSS enthusiast (including LESS & SASS)
 * 😄 :- I hung myself with JavaScript. So i am in the middle of dying. 

// about me...
let aboutMe = {
who: [ 'Father of a Daughter', 'Husband', 'Front-End Developer' ],
location: 'Dhaka, Bangladesh'

// work samples...
const work = { }

// Where to find me?
const contact = [ 'LinkedIn', 'Facebook', 'Twitter' ]